Did Someone Say “She Shed”? 5 Reason Every Mom Or Women Need A She Shed!

Did Someone Say “She Shed”? 5 Reason Every Mom Or Women Need A She Shed!

What would you do with your she shed?

Imagine an area that is all yours. An area that you can decorate any way you want. A place with no interruption and NEVER HAVE TO PICK UP ANYONE MESS THAT SOMEONE ELSE MADE!
We have seen “She Sheds” used for
•   Crafting
•   Scrapbooking
•   Painting
•   Reading
•   Writing

All you need to make your “She Shed” feel like yours is a table, lighting, and chairs. Embrace this space as your own. Make it as comfortable and homey with a nice rug, wall décor, or anything you can think image. Here are some ideas from Pinterest.

Here are a few she shed scenarios. So ladies know exactly what they want and some ladies need inspiration. If you need inspiration we have you covered.

Shed ideas

She Office

Do you need an office or just more space? You can consider moving to your backyard. There is no need to buy a larger house or put on an addition. Just convert a shed to your office. It is affordable and practical. If you own your house and land a shed is an ideal solution. You get to add your personal touches.

She Art Studio

Transforming an old shed into an art studio can be fun. Store all of your supplies in an easily accessible place. If you get inspired you can get away in your new studio and unleash all your creativeness.

She Garden

Are you dreaming of dedicating a shed to your gardening dreams? Garden sheds can work as a place to store tools for your man and potters for your plants. Your shed is away for heavy traffic, pests, cold draft, heat, and where spills won’t be a problem. It is your garden shed.

She Retreat

A shed doesn’t have to be just a shed-like you see with all the tools and lawnmower. It can be quiet and cute. Do you like a place to relax and have a cup of coffee or a glass of ice tea. If your girlfriends are coming over a She Retreat Shed is the perfect place to catch up. Add a couch so that you can spread out, take a nap, or relax with your pet. Do you collect a lot of oddities that you keep packed up because you are afraid of they may get broken? Your She Retreat is the perfect place to display your oddities.

She Gym

Working out can be hard due to distractions from work, kids, or household work. A spot in the corner of a room in your house could serve them as your workout area. It would be even better to have a dedicated space outside of your house to work out.

If that sounds like a good idea it may be time to create a gym in our backyard. A dedicated work out space doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. If you add a gym in the backyard it will be convenient and accessible.


With the idea of a, She Shed it time to find a cut shed.

Take a moment to list all the features you would like in your she shed. Draw up a rough sketch of what you want the inside and outside of your shed to look like.

Now you have 2 options

Convert your current shed

If you have been putting off cleaning out that cluttered shed. Now is the time to take it down. With this space being cleared out you can make it into your She Shed. Go through all that clutter to decide keep, sell, or donate. For the times your storing you may need to invest in some storage bins or shelving or if your lucky and have a basement you can put that stuff in the basement.


Purchase a new shed.

If you need a shed to take a look at our Barns, Gable, and Vinyl Sheds. All of our buildings are handcrafted in Mt Airy North Carolina and sold factory-direct. If you think a shed cannot get in your backyard we offer free site check. If we cannot get a shed in your backyard we have kits available.

Here are a few options.

Art Studio ( PDM1-1216-642)

Garden Shed (HMP2 -1012-620)

Retreat (MBY1-1020-720)

Gym (HMP2-1220-645)

When you are ready to order, give us a call at (336)789-5018 or stop by your local store (www.leonardusa.com/locations">https://www.leonardusa.com/locations">Find Store Here). Our sales team can take you through the customization and ordering process. You will be able to all the details of you She Shed