Career Opportunities at Leonard USA


"A" players are those who are in the top 10% - the one out of ten who share our values and who can get the job done.

For those who fit the bill, a good career awaits. Whether you are looking to be part of a store team, delivery team, manufacturing team, or a part of the staff supporting them, you will find that our rigorous hiring practices are worth the effort.

You will be a part of a company that actually contributes to the USA GDP. We make real things, deliver them, and then sell them in our own factory outlets to real customers.

Customers who are not just shuffled in and out anonymously like so many other retail stores, but rather customers who sit down with us, allow us to install accessories on their trucks, deliver buildings to their backyards, and help them buy a trailer for their home or start-up business.

In short, you will be a part of business the way it used to be with hand shakes and real relationships. Like our head quarters hometown of Mt. Airy, NC, (that's right, Andy Griffith's Mayberry), we honor the virtues that made this country great - honesty, hard work, and doing it better than the other guy.

While our values are old-fashioned, we innovate, adapt and use the latest technology everywhere we can to improve our products and services and to drive out non-value adding costs.

If you are in that top 10%, then come help us grow for another 50 years.