They've made the truck said to turn the world under its tires and the trailer that moves mountains in a day. But what about the hitch powerful enough to connect the two? The CURT under-bed Double Lock EZr gooseneck hitch features a gross trailer weight capacity up to 30,000 lbs., a vertical load limit of 7,500 lbs. and easier, more secure towing for your gooseneck trailer. Providing a solid foundation for the Double Lock EZr, this set of gooseneck installation brackets is designed for a vehicle-specific fit to maximize your pickup's towing potential and integrate with the frame seamlessly. Installation with the CURT Double Lock EZr is fast and easy. Because the installation brackets are made vehicle-specific, they use pre-existing holes in the vehicle's frame and require less drilling. The Double Lock EZr requires only one person during installation, using retainer clips to keep bolts se